Tuesday 24 January 2012

First time blogger - Beginner's Guide

If You take a sample of random hundred people and ask them if they can blog, around 95 of them will say yes as we think blogging is simple and everyone can write. However if you give a task to those 95 people to write 10 blogs in a month, then the actual picture comes out. 80 of those 95 will definitely write at least one blog. Around 50 will write 2 blogs and only 2-3 will be able to write more than 5 blogs. So what is the reason that while 95% of the people claims to be capable to blogging only 2% are able to write few blogs in a month. We will try to find out few of the reasons below.

1. Not Serious Enough: The most basic reason for people stop writing after their blog it that they are not serious enough writing. Its easier to claim yourself a blogger however its very difficult to concentrate on writing specially if you don't enjoy it. That's the reason why most of the people are able to write their first blog however are not able to continue with it. Most of time we just get exited by seeing others doing it and think we can do it also. So, if you don't enjoy it, don't do it.

2. Not confident enough: Some people are more expressive, some are not. Some have got good writing skills, some don't have.You need to be bit expressive but you definitely don't need to be excellent writer to be a blogger. Most of the blogger are common people like us who want to share their day to day experience with others. However when we see some people using heavy languages, we tend to start doubting our writing skills. This might be one of the reason why many blogger stop after their first write up. 

3. Looking Blogging as a Cash cow: Some of us hear other getting rich by just blogging. We start counting our chicken before they hatch. But when we see our handful of blog not getting us enough money, we stop writing. Sometimes people forget that if you concentrate on writing good meaningful articles which people love to read then you don't need to worry about money. It will come on it own. 

4. To much occupied with our hectic life: As I mentioned earlier, we all are common people who have other primary jobs. Sometime even if we love to write, our hectic life don't allow us to concentrate on blogging. It is among the biggest reason why people stop writing blog in their initial stages. 

This might not be end of the story. There might be several other reasons which I may not be able to guess now. However if you enjoy writing, please spare some time from your daily life. You might be having some interesting story to tell which we are eagerly waiting to hear.

If you like this blog or if you have any suggestions, please use to comment box below. 


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